
Guillaume Labbez founded the CommStrat agency in 2017 convinced that:

  • Managers need advisors from the new generation to help them navigate a world in which communication can determine a company’s success.
  • The boundaries between off/online, crisis and internal/external communications, as well as law, strategy and CSR, are increasingly blurred, and good advice is only worthwhile if it takes all these parameters into account.

His passion for consulting and his know-how, based on academic expertise in law, political science and management, have been forged during a 15-year career:

  • in the political arena, as advisor to Prime Ministers, Ministers and presidential candidates (Alain Juppé, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Dominique de Villepin, Monique Gagnon-Tremblay…)
  • in consulting, as Associate Director of Boury Tallon & Associés, a leading public affairs firm in Paris.
  • in the academic field, as a lecturer at Sciences Po in negotiation and program director of the Certificate in “Public Affairs: Strategy and Influence”, and member of the Board of Directors of Fondation Concorde and Mouvement européen France.